
Oke , maybe iam going creazy , and you consider me as "weird man " or somethin but this beautiful hand i ever saw . ffufufufufufuf~ . did you catch it ?

no ?

okay , maybe iam really become "Weird man" .
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5 Response to "beautifulhand"

  1. Unknown says:
    18 November 2010 pukul 18.35

    hahhh ? siapa nih ?
    gue harus tauuuuu, hahahah

  2. afuza says:
    20 November 2010 pukul 04.09

    you are 'in the period', cha.
    and the good news is everybody never late for that, include you. :)
    anyway, may i see his face?
    i really have no idea 'bout him.
    hmm, is his face as beautiful as his hand , ufufufufu~

  3. e c h a says:
    3 Desember 2010 pukul 01.02

    elug : hehe ntar yah gue kabarin lagi heheh , tjis different person (emang ada berapee ??) .

    Buchou : sorry for late i answer you , but mm you have already see his face right kekek ~ okay his face not really.. yahh.. but i dunno XD

  4. Unknown says:
    5 Desember 2010 pukul 23.11

    wowowowowow, beda lagi ?

  5. akira says:
    13 Desember 2010 pukul 02.31

    masih bagusan tangan youna ..
    hhe :D