Galau sampe ke google

Heheheh edan gue, gara-gara "Galau" gue sampe nyari arti galau ke google (wth?!)

Hidup penuh kejutan ya? kayak hidup aku. Isinya kayak ranjau semua huhahahaha.

Astagfirullahhaladzim, tiba-tiba terbersit dipikiran aku mengenai Firman Allah tentang nikmat yang di ingkari, siksa Allah sangat pedih~

Allah maafkan aku, aku terlalu bingung.. sekarang sampe bebrapa jam kedepan.
i'll laugh and finnaly i'll cry.

even i still dont know about the result, maybe after i write this. This will being a pass, and we'll see..

i laugh or cry,

but i think i prefer cry one.

oh noo~ this goo enoug for me, Allah hold me..
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