
"Tau gak ada saatnya di suatu titik, kamu jadi jengah, bingung mau lanjutin atau enggak. ketika memilih bertahan kamu jadi bingung mau ngapain ketika berlanjut kamu ragu buat melangkah."

dan aku ngerasa lagi dititik itu, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~
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"skrg gak ada kontribusinya gtu"

aduh aku jadikepikiran, hati aku jadi langsung panas, sedih apa ia aku sebegitunya ??
aku emang enggak gimana-gimana mungkin, cuman entah selama ini aku kadang juga bantuin masukin bebrapa link,
sejauh ini aku nurut aku jarang ngelwan bentak, tau apa itu karena beliau aku hormati. sejauh ini aku nurut kalau dia bilang cepet update aku cepet update gak lama berselang, aduh kok jadi kieu ? aku mah teu ngerti.
tapi kenapa aku ngerasa beliau semakin sentimentil sama aku ? entahlah kalau ini pikiran negatif aku aja.

duh aku sedih sumpah T___T lamun bisa bibalik2 keun ge abi ge bisa ngabalik2keun da teu sopan atuh meren argumen jeung anu kolot. saalit sugan ngahargaan dipikiur2 ka aku weeeeee ngamukna ka akuu weee neken na. aku naon sok ngelehan .

jang naon atuh aku dipertahan keun bari simple na mah di silet2. enthalah lamun tulisan ieu bakal bermasalah engke na cuman atuh da aku ge tetep panas, emang semua rasa sakit dia cuman dia anu ngarasakeun aku juga sama, manusia gak ada yang sempurna, aku pernah nyakitin dia juga pernah nyakitin. aku masukin ke hati gak pernah, cuman ini.... aduhhh.. cleb kana hate ya Allah.

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Airbag (feat. 나얼) - Tablo (Epik High)

I need an airbag.
Before I crash into the encroaching, massive sorrow.

For the nights that I don't want to be home, taxi driver swerves around the shortcuts.
On radio, the verbose DJ's on with easy-laugh guests and won't play music, their conversations drag out.
If it was any other day, I would have asked the driver to change the frequency, well, I don't have a song I want to listen to anyways.
I mute my thoughts so they can jabber on.
Laughter explodes, trails words that I don't understand, but seeing as how the rigid taxi driver is chuckling along, it must be trending.
Perhaps I was an island all by myself.
Finally, someone's request is playing.
It's a very sad song, one that I once used to really like.
Would he be also by himself,
At a place where a long day sojourns, sleeps for a while?

I need an airbag.
Before I crash into the encroaching, massive sorrow.
I need an airbag.
It's too late to steer away.

Nowadays, there are tons of things to tidy up, and I don't get drunk easily either. But then again, it's not like I avoid going for drinks.
Is it because I don't want to be alone?
Or is it because I want to be visibly alone?
Loneliness is only natural for me.
Even if there is someone by me, would there be enough of me to share?
It's a question mark that I don't want to hang on.
But thankfully that's when a loud voice on the phone latches onto my ears. Sounds like the planned get-together got cancelled.
As the taxi driver grumble away off phone, my eyes wander to the family photo tacked on to the taximeter, crooked.
Is it because I'm without home or path to walk down on, that I wander?
Or is it because I don't have anyone waiting for me, even though I've got plenty of places to be

I need an airbag.
Before I crash into the encroaching, massive sorrow.

I need an airbag.
It's too late to steer away.
I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.

Once again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
Once again.

I'm precarious right now.
I'm dangerous right now.
Don't hit me.

When did it start, looking out the window
Rain's already pooled around on the streets, as if it's been raining for a while.
Then I see the reflection of the electronic board by the side of the road.
Why is it then the tears swell up, at the thought of you, who must be living just fine.
How lonely the number 1 looked tacked on next to the word 'death'
I need an airbag.
Before I crash into the encroaching, massive sorrow.

I need an airbag.
It's too late to steer away.
It's the kind of night when I miss you. My heart, rains and slides.
I need you, yes I need you, my airbag.

I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
Once again.

I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
I guess I'm all alone again.
Not again.


PS: i got this cause Yunjae videos, you know Yunjae influence me much ! I gotta falling love at the first time when i was accidentally hear THIS.
Tablo is new family at YG ! Ah forget, TABLO feat TAE YANG "Tomorrow: was so amzing in my ears~
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Yunjae at Barcelona


"YUNHOOO", Does it sweet word huh ? why you laugh oftenly ?

Great Yunjaeshipper, like usual XDDDD
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Haloooo happy week end peoples, Echoers~ but yeah i.., (some interupted)

Echot 1: " Udah cape gue denger bahasa inggris! biasa ajalah)

Me: "Hm oke-oke, but you should more practice it dude, but for now i'll forget it for a while (alibi)
so, so.~~~ini serius.

gue udah lama gak postong disini ya ampun?? ih akika dudung getcoh deh <- wth ?!! gak tau lah setelah sebelumnya gue pernah bilang terllau banyak hal yang terjadi (apaan), forget it gue mau coba postingan yang mutu. udah lama sebenrnya mau posting iini tapi entah kenapa sok ceees~ lupa lagi.
Jajang~~~ gue ditusuk Jarum, buat..

THIS, ini impian gue (impian kok cetek amat yee?) for the fisrt time i tranfused my blood. Oh GOD you know those THING ALL MY BLOOD, ->Faint->lebay. haha iam show off to Buchou about this because she cant tranfuse cause several things.

Rasanya kayak disedot nyut nyut gitu (??) ah apa kalo disedot vampir juga gitu ya ? Yah gapap tho kalo vampir nya ganteng hihi.

btw katanya darah gue normalnya abis 3 bulan,pantes nih aku kok sekarang merasa lemah takberdaya, dan sering pusing (WTH ?!) tapi beneran lho, gak tau perasaan gue atau apa tapi sekarang gue rada gak kuat kalo begadang besoknya pasti nyuut pening. Abis itu gue dikasih susu ultri, wafer tange dll, kasih obat penambah darah juga. tapi gue bingung hanya karena donor mani dikasih segala nya,padahal kan ikhlas-ikhlas aja kali ngelakuin gitu. Tapi untung, rejeki aku aminkan saja. asyiik makasih tau aja abis itu gue laper.

Hehe. btw gue belum pernah cerita tentang masa kuliah gue ya?
hm yah lumayan asik buat sekarang? duluya gue boro-boro ngeh ada cowo "lumayan" dikelas gue, eh lately i found one, two.. hehehe XDD

udah ah, itu jadi nomor berapa di daftar penting gue sekarang. Doakan aja aku bener belajarnya dan suksess meraih apa yang aku inginkn, dan kalian juga (soalnya udah amin-nin dan baca postongan ini,meski hanya satu orang mungkin??)

Random one, STRUCTURE GUE ampun dah harus gue benerin nih, hehe.

and, Random Again.. nanti deh gue cerita tentang Yunjae and several the the flavor on itu, kocak.


SEE MY OTP STILL SHARE, if you want cleary please ZOOMING.

Thats, itu yang mau gue laporin meski belum sebenrnya semua gue laporin.so kalian pada puasa gk? yang lagi puasa ayoo semangat besok saatnya nyate gue (lhoo tidaaaaaak~)

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