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aku suka perasaan yang menyakitkan


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enggak tau pagi-pagi, tapi anehnya aku pengen ngegombal
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Yes he is

Gak tau deh, pokoknya gue mah kaga bisa kalo dideketin -___-
gue bisa jadi patung seketika,

Dear my sweet mcfllury,

i want close to you more.., definetly no doubt.., but when you came close,eventhough your space one or several meters from me, iam going freaze, and awakward to act like usual..you make me stuck, and make me confuse how to do! And you're my BOMMOOD, you wush~ lost my mood or make my mood good on same time! Grrr xp

so tired.so tired on You,

I hope we'll have conversation at graduation event.. Is last time, (maybe) i meet you.. For the last i want feel the weird things when you arround me.
All things feel normal except Me T__T

i mumblin much about you lately,

That is why all girls in the school (town)
follow you all arround,
just like me they long to be close to you..

-> sing a song suddenly,

your face, your outfit make girls catch on you. Nonsense(dunno though btw :p) if they feel flat when look at you.., look at your eyes.

Akhirnya, akhirnya aku temukan.. Dia dia dia yang ku tunggu tunggu tunggu..

Yes he is. But he really rarely near me as heart as phisic.
You never grettin me first is okay,

maybe in the begin we are nothin.
Is all about my feelin to you, but sometime i Know, i feel.. you more than that to me.. But when i search the fact betwen us, i just find several.. Or maybe all is nonsense.

Dear my sweet mcfllury, you are the sweetest one have colored my youth.

I hope somethin happen on 18mei2011.
And that day, If nice destiny come to me,i'll report all, but if i havnt .. Maybe its too hurt to i share somethin in here.

Pray to me Echoers ^^b
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YunjaeShipper Category are

Gomenasai, Echoers id liked to mumblin much today suddenly and dunno though why? Keke~

it was twice i wrote here,
okay i must approve Yunjaeshipper opinion about Us, YJSHIP-red (why i write like this?)

is have two category :
1. Believe from bottom of the heart, Yunjae is Real
2. Believe them, as a fanservice

and me?
Exactly i going to first ! Iam trully believe own my heart that Yunjae is real. Tell me my brain is suck, blame on me or somethin, but yeah its my way,

I Believe them, i believe on Yunjae.

You'll never got it, untill you find the evidence about them by your self.

Ah i dunno i miss them suddenly, i miss a lot news about them since my net is cut (wth?) , but Yunjae love always spread in everywhere. However in the end i always find the Amazing news about them.

Like my fav blogger Unni Peternakhamster said : "Believe want you wanna believe dear,.."

no unni i believe.
Lets keep protec to our Yunjae !! Yeye
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Live Report National Exam day 2

Live Report pas Ujian Nasional hari ke dua, okay its sound randomly btw, huhu.

Tadi kan Un pas pelajaran matematika kan tuh, gue udah selesai.. mentok udah, eh masih sisa satu jam an lagi, gue bingung mau ngapain lagi? Cling ngeliat kertas buram buat ngotret (baca: curat coret),

Gue : bu boleh minta kertas buram lagi?

Si ibu pengawas ngeliatin mejanya, ada sisa satu. Mata anak-anak pada tertuju ke gue (dikiranya gue benar-benar bekerja keras buat ngitung, taunye -___- ).

Si ibu nyamperin ke meja gue.

IbuPengawas : udah abis?

Gue ketawe kuda,

Gue : ga juga sih bu,

IbuPengawas : `__`

Gue : hehe

dan mulailah,
gue kayak yang heu-euh aja, padahal minta kertas buram bukan mau ngitung, tapi buat gagambaran, huahahaha.

Selamat Ujian Nasional, semangat semuanya !
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Mix update

Hmm~ 2 days to go to National Exam, my future decide begin here.. Okay to reach collage is most important after all, and i hate for wait to know what i sucsess through it or not,you know it such, your heart get beating and your hands trembling, and head come ache suddenly.

GOD please cover me gimme stronger and more motivate to able my dream, my desire and my parent also huhu, amiin. ^___^

my net wasnt back, huu (cry T___T) forget it anyway~

haa oke sekarang gue mau ngemengin ape? Eh iya pengen ngomentarin Big Bang aja yang sekarang makin keren. Kalian hey wahai VIP yang memperhatikan, you all feel somethn different isnt it ? Huh?
Dari segi outvit( jangan nanya Big Bang Rajanya), dari segi musik yang terus berubah semakim cihuy/plaak berasa kritikus.

Perhatiin dari dua tahun kemaren musik mereka berkutat di musik klub, tapi tahun sekarang mereka jadi lebih nonjolin petikan gitar yang tegas di 'I Hate This Love Song' edvan banget dah, dan petikan gitar yang halus dimulai pas 'TONIGHT', G-Dragon bilang mereka bakal lebih ngROCK, huhu aku pikir 'mo extrim gimana lage neh?!'
pas jaman lagu club, aduh berisiknye tapi tetep oke. Yah meski mau jujur juga gue cukup kanggen banget lagu ballad jaman jadul Big Bang. Tapi gue mikir, ini mungkin musik yang mereka pilih, dan sukses.

YG tuh ngasih wadah buat Big Bang mau mengeluarkan idenya. Kalo mau gue jujur yang dihasilin Gd tuh semua kayak musik idealis, tapi liat pasar membuktikan kan?

VIP BROKE THE MARKET (?)i got that words from web hoho.
Is not all Vip i thought, but Peoples too.

gue hanya bisa memantau, blog lewat hape doang. ->derita anak warnet.

Echoers doakan aku, bagi kalian yang mau Un juga, semoga kita sukses dan lancar, amiin. Selamat ngapalin. ^___^
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Neomu Appa a p p a

Sediiih, Sakiiiit Sekali rasanya..,
sumpaah T^T

Aku mohon kembalikan internet padaku, huaa T^T

Yunjae dan Big Bang ku T^T..

Sakiit sekalii Tuhan, aku nangis terus (diam-diam) T^T

Aku tahu aku cengeng, terkesan manja, tapi aku.. Aku.. Pengen internet aku balik, sampe aku kuliaaah aja gapapa T^T

Jadi ketinggalan semua berita Yunjae dan Big Bang,

oke, aku mungkin terlalu berlebihan tapi aku belum menemukan sisi diri ku yang mampu mengkuatkan aku dh sisi yang sedang lemah seperti ini.

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Internet ku sayang mati diputus

Huuu sumpah gue pengen nangis,
sumpret !

tadi malem berasa dikasih tau kalo gue kena kanker #plaklebayplak
ga segitunya juga sih cuman.. Cuman, gue udah ketergantungan sama satu hal ini, bukan nasi tentu aja.
Tapi.. Tapi ,


T ^ T
OH YEAH, gue berharap kalo ini cuman april fool, meski gue juga tau udah tanggal berapa ini. Dan gue resmi jadi anak warnet lagi.

Cih, bencih !!
DEPRESI! Oke, gue lebay emang gue mati apa kalo internet juga mati ? Cuman,

haaa, gue pengen nangis, sebel sebel sebel !!

Gue kaga nge download se Enak jidat gue lagi. Dan balik lagi kejer di warnet kalo koneksinya jelek.

Huhuhu, semuanya butuh proses. Sumpah gue belom bisa nerima, kadang luka hati ga bisa tertutup gitu aja sampai kita temukan gimana jalan untuk menyembuhkanya.

Dan gue belom menemukan jalanya buat hati gue sembuh. Internet, kau membuatku begini sakit ketika kau mati.
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